
  • Workshop director: Berta Puigdemasa Acebrón
  • Principal instructor: Isabelle Perrin
  • Lecturer harpist: Maria Lluïsa Ibáñez
  • Graphic designer: Rosa Pil Gil, Odile Carabantes, Txapis
  • Web designer: Odile Carabante, Víctor & Txapis
  • Video documentary: RGD Films
  • Photography: Josep Ramon Pach, Josep Maria Puigdemasa, Anna Puigdemasa

Thanks to

The formidable host families, for their generosity and enthusiasm, and everyone in the community of Horta de Lleida.

All of the crowd funders (little and small ones) who have given support and helped this beautiful project take off.

Team Puigdemasa Acebrón: parents, sister, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, because together nothing can resist us.

The great public of the final concert, for their love of music and their participation in this adventure.
